Principal, Lecturer interview on 20-05-2017 in college campus at 11:00 P.M to 1:00 P.M
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<ul class="list-style-cus"> <li>Provide further that the condition of obtaining a minimum of General - 45%, OBC - 42% and SC/St - 40% marks in the aggregate at the qualifying examination shall not apply to natural born sons / daughters of parents belonging to S.C/S.T./O.B.C.</li> <li>Concession / Weight age of marks for participation in games and sports and sports as applicable to students seeking admission in L.L.B. 1st year class, provide that these marks shall not be added to make up them eligible.</li> <li>The Candidate who want admission subsequent to their passing of any other examination of which result in not declared before the last date fixed can apply provisionally.</li> </ul> <div class="headline-page"><h3>Policy for Admission</h3></div> <p><b>Admission Procedure</b></p> <ul class="list-style-cus"> <li>A candidate shall apply for admission on the prescribed form.</li> <li>Admission of a student in the college shall be subject to condition prescribed in 0-252 of Rajasthan University Hand-book.</li> <li>At the time submitting application form, the applicant must furnish attested copies of all document. i.e. Mark-sheet, T.C., (Original) and other certificates. The original must be produced for verification at the time of admission. Unattested photostats copies of certificate and marks-sheets etc. shall not be accepted.</li> <li>No Weight-age / Concession shall be given to a candidate who has not attached his original certificate along with the application form for admission.</li> <li>The applicant shall give an undertaking that if any of the certificate submitted by him / her is found incorrect his / her admission shall be liable to be cancelled.</li> <li>Admission may be refused to any student by the competent authority without assigning any reasons there of.</li> <li> <ul class="list-style-cus"> <li>Any candidate against whom an FIR has been lodged by the University of Rajasthan or any of the Constituent College or any affiliated college or by any other competent Authority / Officer of the University / College shall not be eligible for admission as a regular candidate in this institutions.</li> <li>Any person who has been convicted of criminal offence involving in immoral turpitude shall not be eligible for admission in the college.</li> </ul> </li> </ul> <div class="headline-page"><h3>Admission of Supplementary Candidates</h3></div> <ul class="list-style-cus"> <li>A candidate who declared eligible to appear at the supplementary Examination many be provisionally admitted, at his own risk, to the next highter class in the beginning of the session by the last date fixed for admission subject to condition menttioned in clause (2) below.</li> <li>A candidate who fails or absent himself at his supplementary examination shall have not right to continue int the college.</li> <li>All reservation / Concession / Weightage shall be regulated by the University Ordinance.</li> </ul>
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Medium: Hindi, English
InstituteType: College